Work Less and Earn More?
Work Less and Earn More?

Actually that isn’t true. If you do everything I talk about doing, you’ll actually spend less time at work, earn more money for you and your family and have more free time than you’ve ever had.

Besides, you’ve got the wrong guy – I’ve never suggested that you need to put in double shifts to sell more cars.

Most of you could cut your time dramatically and increase your units and income overnight if you’d just go to work to work. And that doesn’t even count improving your skills. Just use what you know and quit wasting your day at work waiting for something to happen and you’ll double your sales.

On average, most people reading this talk to at least 3 or 4 prospects on the lot in their 8 to 10 hours at work. From experience, I know you only spend about 10 minutes with one of those prospects who showed almost no interest, maybe twenty-five minutes with one or two of the others educating them about pricing and trade values and an hour and a half with the third or fourth one.

Do the math – that means most salespeople reading this only work about 2 hours a day talking to prospects, possibly 1 hour or so in meetings, making calls or checking on cars in service. And that means the other 4 to 6 hours of an 8-hour shift are spent just waiting.

If you’re only spending 4 hours actually working out of the 8 or 10 hours you’re at the dealership every day – you don’t need a degree in math to figure out that if you work 8 hours instead, you’d double your sales and income.

What can you do?

It’s easy. If you aren’t with a customer, pick up the phone to prospect or to get that unsold customer back in – or walk out to service and start prospecting there to fill your pipeline so you can sell more cars in the future.

Get yourself ready to sell more.

In sales, you have to get good, stabilize, and then get better so you can grow.

Let’s look at a few things you need to do every day to be ready to sell…

  • Get some rest. Studies found that when you miss one hour of sleep per night, in one week your IQ drops 10 points. Since being ‘sharp’ is critical in selling, most of us can’t handle that kind of loss and still produce much.
  • Exercise every day. You don’t have to pump heavy iron, but you do need to get your brain and body working before you go in to work. Just taking an early walk helps. Studies have shown that exercise improves performance!
  • Get to work 15 to 30 minutes early. Get there early to check the inventory, talk to the early customers and get ready for your selling day.
  • Make daily training your new best friend. Learning more about selling, closing, and overcoming objections, or prospecting and follow up is something you should be doing daily.
  • Read a few pages of one of my books or watch a quick video now and then just to stay pumped, or to review a particular skill or technique.

If you’ll just make selling your priority and work hard every day to improve, I promise you can double or triple your sales and income – FAST!

About the author
Joe Verde

Joe Verde


Joe Verde Sales & Management Training, Inc., is an automotive sales and management training company focused on leadership, management and sales training. Joe Verde holds workshops across North America and pioneered virtual training with JVTN.

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