SCOTTSDALE - CNA National announced that Tim Schilling was appointed to the newly created position of actuarial director, effective Oct. 17. Schilling bring and extensive background in reserving, pricing, market research, business development, product development and underwriting, according to CNA National.

“We are excited about the breadth of experience and focused knowledge that Tim brings to CNA National,” said Joe Becker, company president and CEO. “Tim will be working closely with both our senior management team here in Scottsdale and our home office in Chicago as we continue to build and grow our business.”

Most recently, Schilling served for several years as vice president and chief actuary for Fidelity National Title Group, reported F&I and Showroom magazine. He also served as a senior actuary of non-standard auto pricing for Nationwide Insurance, lead pricing actuary in the Specialty Insurance Division at GE and senior vice president of GE Auto Warranty Services.

“Being able to join CNA National — an established company that takes a long-term view toward underwriting while emphasizing customer service — was a tremendous opportunity for me,” Schilling said. “I look forward to contributing to the firm’s future in every way I can.”

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