Insight Over Information
Information is for the internet; insight is for the F&I office. Fill the process with insight and you will fill the office with happy customers.
Information is for the internet; insight is for the F&I office. Fill the process with insight and you will fill the office with happy customers.
The customer is speaking loudly, they want to have it their way, and it’s forward-thinking and profit-building when we do.
New information comes out everyday that can change the dynamic in the F&I office and that requires time everyday be spent learning and researching, by finance professionals and those that work alongside of them.
When you increase the activity and effort to improve, the numbers go up and leave the average level in your rear-view mirror.
What is the secret to more consistently winning?
If you are good at discovering purpose, people will like you and trust you, and if you are selling, they will buy from you.
Here are three principles that, if illustrated properly, will make an impact that will drive results upward and increase the value of our offering.
On your dealership visits, go in with three questions that will spark discussion and hopefully a planning session on how to improve.
An energizing agent will walk into every dealership with specific information to share of accomplishments and then the challenges they deal with will receive a better reception.
Becoming skilled on helping each individual self-discover their needs and then motivating them to act on that discovery, is an amazing talent – That’s what we call an F&I professional.
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