Here’s something that shouldn’t be particularly surprising: After studying company culture as earnestly as any other business attribute, researchers have decided conclusively that culture is vitally important for the success of any company, reports Forbes.
These researchers admit culture is a difficult thing to quantify, but if anything can manage it, it’s the scientific method. With the understanding that company culture is a bit of a subjective “black box,” Columbia Business School’s Shiva Rajgopal and his team of scientists asked 1,400 CEOs and CFOs from North America several questions to help shine some light into this “black box” of ours.
Here, in a nutshell, is what they found and what we can take away from it.
What Does Corporate America Believe About Culture?The study described above, and many others conducted over the years, rely on a foundational understanding of what culture means in a business setting. The team at Columbia asked questions like these to get to the bottom of it:
- How well does your company’s culture reflect your stated mission and values?
- Do you believe a poorly conceived or implemented company culture creates opportunities or incentives for unethical workplace behavior?
Of the respondents, only 15 percent indicated their company had paid sufficient attention to its culture. A nearly unanimous majority — 90 percent — indicated a strong belief that the quality of a company’s culture is inextricably linked with its financial success as well as its perceived “value” in the world.
If you’re following along, you’ve probably drawn a similar conclusion as the Columbia researchers: Company culture is basically a form of currency.
Company Culture as CurrencyDoes it really sound that crazy? Think about how the proverbial and literal “stocks” of companies like Volkswagen, Toshiba, Wells Fargo and Equifax plummeted in the wake of their recent public relations nightmares. At Volkswagen, engineers were tasked with making sure the company’s automobiles could fool emissions tests. At Wells Fargo, employees were asked to create millions of fake accounts in their customers’ names.
What these situations have in common is a toxic culture — and it trickled down from the top of the organization and settled somewhere right in the middle.
The losses here aren’t just financial, although those are likely to be heavy as well. In Volkswagen’s case, the total price tag is looking to be in the ballpark of $18 billion. No — the real cost starts before the measurable loss in profits. In fact, it’s the direct cause of it. The first price you pay is in reputation, credibility and the public’s “perceived value” of your brand.
Of course, we’re pulling examples from the worst of the worst here — not every company needs a fall from grace like Wells Fargo’s to realize the long-term benefits of taking culture and its relationship with ethics seriously. At your small business in your hometown or in the office suite in Manhattan you oversee, leaders make decisions every day that can shape your culture and the lives of your employees and dramatically alter your company’s course. After that, it even touches the world around you.
What Healthy Company Culture Looks Like in the WorldWe’ve already looked at some examples of the inevitable result of a toxic workplace culture. Let’s ratchet things down a notch and zoom in on the everyday “lives” of small and medium-sized businesses all over the Americas. This is where healthy culture is fostered — not in the world’s multi-continental corporations — because small businesses are a microcosm of American life. They’re incubators for the next great idea.
So what does an ideal company culture look like? Is there a model somewhere we can reference? In another study, this one of auto dealers over six years, researchers at University of South Florida discovered that companies that were thought of, spoken of, and “graded” highly by their employees generated higher profits even years later.
Remember earlier when we said small and medium businesses are a microcosm of the larger world? It’s true. And the experience employees come to expect in their workplace has a huge influence on their behavior there and the quality and longevity of their work — and even on the quality of citizen they become later on.
Clearly, culture is worth working at. Here are some basic ideas that have joined something of a worldwide consensus on what a healthy, globally engaged and flexible company culture can look like:
- Flexible start times and schedules correlate well with better employee performance and happiness.
- Companies that offer generous maternity and paternity leave enjoy better employee retention and a host of other benefits.
- Organizations of any kind whose expected behaviors and cultural “tone” closely match that company’s publicly stated goals and values report lower incidences of unethical behavior, including theft and fraud.
According to a worldwide study, one-third of customers, and counting, prefer giving their business to companies that value sustainability and eco-conscious operating practices. These companies enjoy a higher perceived public value than more wasteful ones.
Our experiences in the workplace greatly influence our expectations of the world around us. If our employers provide for our basic needs as a matter of course, and give us a degree of respect and autonomy, there’s rarely a need to engage in behavior that’s unethical or detrimental to profits.
But, perhaps more importantly, a strong, healthy, accommodating and globally conscious workplace culture produces employees who want to do good works in the world and leave things better than they found them. This isn’t just new-age thinking, either. It’s an idea now backed by mounting scientific evidence: Workplaces are viable environments for fostering social change.
What other reasons do we need to make company culture a real cultural value?
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