How do we go from great to unstoppable? Move to the highest level of belief in your process and your products — conviction. - IMAGE: Getty Images

How do we go from great to unstoppable? Move to the highest level of belief in your process and your products — conviction.

IMAGE: Getty Images

Most of us feel we have mastered the skill of overcoming customer objections. We have learned closers that we love and use most often. Regardless of the level of success we have experienced, we are always looking to improve — at least we should be. So, how do we go from great to unstoppable? Growing your sense of conviction is an intentional effort that everyone can embrace and employ. 

“Ninety percent of selling is conviction and 10% is persuasion." – Shiv Khera

Let’s look at some common characteristics of conviction sellers.

1. They go with their gut instincts. 

Otherwise known as intuition. Great managers use their experience collaborating with customers in the past, including their past failures and success, to form an understanding of where a conversation is going. While rehearsed closers and practiced responses to overcoming objections are useful, the insight on what is holding a customer back from seeing things the way we do is gained with discovery and a better understanding of the person sitting in front of us. If we have made the effort to listen and learn about the customer’s motives, needs, and feelings, we often instinctively know what will move them to action. 

Instinct cannot be forced. Many times, we force closing a deal on someone when it does not fit their situation or objection. It does not work. Instincts just seem to show up when our process puts us in a good place of knowing what the customer needs. They can lead to remarkable success when based on a thorough understanding of the customer. 

2. They are confident. 

Confidence is contagious. When we are confident in our abilities to uncover what each customer needs and how to move them to action, the customer themselves can sense our confidence, and it creates a comfortable and desire to seek out what we are so sure about. The knowledge and expertise on what we’re offering is something that customers want to explore and are willing to pay for. 

When we seek out a professional for a legal issue or medical issue, we want a confident professional to work with. If our first encounter with them not convincing, we say no and look for another more suitable option. If we are confident and speak with conviction, we are viewed as a credible source for information and advice. That puts us o the road to helping a customer make a good decision for them and creating more success for us.

3. They are unbelievably positive.

Customers have instincts as well, and when they enter a sales environment, they quickly form an opinion on how this makes them feel. If they encounter an office that is full of sales materials and a person that is more focused on selling than learning about them, they shut down. This forces us to try and close a customer that has never really opened up to begin with. Good luck with that. 

When customers encounter a positive person that is excited about life, excited to have them in their office, and excited about what they do, they relax, open up, and start talking about themselves. It is a safe place to talk. And when they do, we can help them make good decisions. It’s a win-win.   

Conviction is the highest level of belief in what we do and what we offer. We don’t sell anything, we help people. That is something I have a conviction about.

Join me on our journey to Peak Performance again next month. Keep climbing.

Originally posted on F&I and Showroom

About the author
Rick McCormick

Rick McCormick


Rick McCormick is the national account development manager for Reahard & Associates.

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