“All-in” employees do what it takes to win. That’s why I’m incredibly passionate about both how we create all-in employees and HR’s role in doing so.

But 68 percent of workers consider themselves “not engaged” or “actively disengaged” at work, according to a Gallup employee engagement survey from earlier this year. So we’re clearly not doing enough, reports Forbes. 

Imagine what having more than two-thirds of your workforce in these categories does to your business -- and your customer retention!

Good Vibrations

The data matters, but so does sentiment. Walk into most businesses, and you can tell within minutes whether the workers are involved and committed -- all-in -- or simply marking time for as long as it takes to bring home a paycheck.

It’s a vibe, and it’s real. I believe it’s up to us as leaders to help cultivate the right vibe.

You can’t expect your customers and partners to want to do business with you if your own people aren’t inspired working for you. Here are a few ways to fix this problem:

1. Show Up

We don’t need to be at our desks in the office eight hours a day, five days a week. But we do need to show up -- and reach out.

I moved to Silicon Valley about a year after joining SuccessFactors in part because I believe that all-in people are motivated by connections and social interaction. And I wanted to help instill that as a hallmark for our business.

For instance, a lot has changed for SuccessFactors employees since SAP acquired the company five years ago -- yet many of us still work in the same Silicon Valley office. We do this even though our new leaders on our new teams are in Walldorf, New York, Newtown Square, Zurich, Paris and elsewhere.

Returning to the same office is worth it for the human connection. The people on my team -- wherever they sit -- aren’t the only ones who inspire my thinking and my creativity.

Critical breakthroughs often come during a spontaneous run-in with a colleague -- one who challenges your thinking or approach. So don’t just bury your face in your screen; get up and connect with your colleagues!

2. Invest in “All-In” Technology

As valuable as in-person connections are in the workplace, all-in employees also desire and expect flexibility. State-of-the-art technology offers the best tools for people to stay connected and collaborate across the globe, in real-time; this includes enterprise networks that are similar to Facebook, LinkedIn, WeChat or any of the other dozens of communities we interact in every day outside of work.

The days of fearing social media and networking platforms in the workplace are over. We have the power to work with our colleagues no matter where on Earth we are (except, for some reason, the three blocks surrounding my sons’ schools).

And it works! More than 34 million users connect with SAP Jam, for example, which is pretty significant evidence that this vibrant community creates value in the workplace.

3. Keep the Feedback Continuous and Address Gaps with Learning

I also get pretty excited about the available technology and tools. They let us identify our best performers -- and provide new ways to motivate, reward and nurture them.

In real-time. And on a regular basis.

Don’t wait for that once-a-year appraisal session -- what I call the 007 “License to Kill” moment -- when we haul out everything from the previous year. Imagine getting golf coaching, but rather than adjusting your swing daily, your coach tells you everything you need to fix -- six months too late.

And we must broaden the pool of people we look at as superstars. Provide mentoring, continuous learning, opportunities to work on different projects or be in a new role. All of our jobs are changing regularly, and HR can help everyone in our business keep up.

Your employees recognize these efforts! And when they see them happening -- when they feel their success is being invested in and celebrated -- they go the extra mile for you.

Bring the Vibe

All-in people thrive when surrounded by other all-in people. Think about your own experiences in your career. It’s easy to feel sluggish and stuck if you are not surrounded by people taking risks, trying new ways of doing things and sharing success.

So let’s reverse that 68 percent! When we’re left to our own devices, we drift.

But leaders connect. Our job is to bring the vibe, so our people are all-in.

About the author
Kate Spatafora

Kate Spatafora

Managing Editor

Kate Spatafora is the Associate Publisher for MG Business Media.

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